A mobile game where players compete to guess song titles from images, and lyrics. Each iconic design depicts the central lyrics or title of a song and players can fill in the blanks, choose from multiple options, or choose hints to hear snippets of the song or read lyrics.
A consistency of design is applied between song icons, system icons and the user interface through the application of a grid. This allows for consistent corner radius, margins and placement on screen and within borders whether working with a circle or a square.
Each icon is placed according to a grid and is constructed using geometric elements. The size of each individual illustrative icon reflects the size of the object in reality combined with a compromise to achieve consistency of white space and weight of the overall card/screen.
The game can be played in four ways, one image is shown and the player types in the song title. The player is shown one image and chooses a song title from a list of four. The player is shown four images and the title of a song and chooses the best iconic representation. The player is given lyrics to a song and chooses the best iconic representation.
Currently intended for development for mobile devices, the game will eventually be expanded to work on a vareity of game consoles.
The icons will also be expanded to include a large number of titles from each genre of music.